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Embedded WiFi to Serial Port Wireless Transparent Transmission Module Uart Serial Port to WiFi

SKU: EB0042867
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1. Serial to WIFI module, serial to Ethernet module, Ethernet to WIFI multi-function WIFI module, serial server module, make your serial device easy to network, full transparent two-way data transmission, to ensure high ease of use and compatibility.
2. Module integrated 10/100M adaptive Ethernet interface: serial communication high baud rate up to 230.4Kbps
3. Reliable system core for security and long-running system applications
4. Small size: 40*29mm
5. Working temperature: industrial grade: -25~75 °C.
6. Built-in 360M MIPS CPU, 16M RAM and 4M FLASH and wireless baseband and RF front-end and multiple peripheral buses
7. CE and FCC certification, support IEEE 802.11 b/g/n, support transparent protocol data transmission mode
8. Support most WIFI encryption methods and algorithms, WEPAVAP-PSKAVAP2-PSKAVAPI, encryption type WEP64AVEP128TKIPAES
9. Provide AT-instruction set configuration, provide friendly web configuration page, configure through webpage
10. External antenna
11. Support wireless work in AP mode and node mode, real hardware AP, support all wifi connections such as ios system and android system, support AP and station simultaneous online functions
12. Optional TCP Server TCP ClientXJDP working mode, support network protocol:
13. Supports DHCP to automatically obtain IP, and supports IP allocation for slave devices when working in AP mode.
14. Serial port speed adjustable, support 230400

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Embedded WiFi to Serial Port Wireless Transparent Transmission Module Uart Serial Port to WiFi
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