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Humidity Sensitive Switch Module Humidity Relay Controller 05VDC SL Moduele

SKU: EB0047763
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With relay output, this module is used to detect the humidity and control related the device power directly.
This product make use of HR202 humidity sensor.
The comparator outputs drive relays directly. It connects to 220V AC or other devices.
With leads, sensor interface can be installed with pin.
It's easy to install with 4 0.3cm fixing bolt hole.
When ambient humidity exceeds the setting threshold value the relay sucks and shuts, what's more, the common terminal connects to the start.
If the ambient humidity below the setting threshold value, the situation will be counter.
Common, normally open and normally closed the three ports are equivalent to a dual-control switch.
When the relay coil is electrified, the common will connect to the normally open, otherwise, the common will connect to normally closed.


Weight: 18g
Size: 5 x 2.5 x 1.7 cm (L x W x H)
Current will be more than 150mA
Supply voltage: 5V DC
Maximum load: 10A 250VAC / 10A 125VAC / 10A 30VDC / 10A 28VDC

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Humidity Sensitive Switch Module Humidity Relay Controller 05VDC SL Moduele
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