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PZEM-001 AC 80-260V 100A 2200W Power Meter LCD Digital Voltmeter Current Meter Monitor Display Module

SKU: EB0046231
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Network voltage direct power supply, no external power supply, measurement precision, large-screen LCD liquid crystal screen display clearly.
A. Function
1. Electrical parameter measurement function (voltage, current, active power, power).
2. Overload alarm function (over power alarm threshold, the backlight and power flicker tips).
3. The power alarm threshold preset function (can set up their own power alarm threshold).
4. Electricity clear function.
5. Power-down data storage function.
6. STN full view LCD display (display voltage, current, active power, power).
7. Backlight.
8. With shunt function

B. Display and key
Display Interface: Big screen STN full view LCD screen display voltage, current, power, energy parameters simultaneously.
Display Format:
1. Power: measurement range 0 ~ 2.2kW
         within1kW display format  0.0 ~ 999.9W
        1kW above the display format 1000~ 2200W
2. Power: measurement range 0 ~ 9999kWh
        10kWh within the display format 0 ~ 9999Wh
        Above 10kWh display format 10 ~ 9999kWh
        Overflow it will automatically turn to 0
3. Voltage: Test Range 80 ~ 260V
        Display Format 80 ~ 260V
4. Current: Test Range 0 ~ 10A
        Display Format 0.00 ~ 10.00A

Many buyers are response: 

Why test data is wrong?  Voltage * Current = Power, But power is less than the actual test voltage * Current, Why is that?

There are three types of power:
Active Power (P represents / unit W)
Reactive power (Q represents / unit Var)
Apparent power (S represents / unit VA)
Here that We only talk about Active Power, others please google it:
P = U * I * cosφ, cosφ it represents the power factor, purely resistive load (Such as incandescent, heater, etc.) the power factor is generally close to 1,Between the inductive and capacitive load load power factor 0-1. So purely resistive load test time, P is substantially equal to or close to U * I. When Inductive or capacitive load test (Such as refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, computers, etc.) P


1. This module is suitable for indoor, not outdoor use.
2. applied load can not exceed the rated power.
3. The wiring order can not be wrong.
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PZEM-001 AC 80-260V 100A 2200W Power Meter LCD Digital Voltmeter Current Meter Monitor Display Module
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