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1.3 Inch 4Pin White OLED LCD Display 12864 IIC I2C Interface Module

SKU: EB0050376
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Resolution: 128*64
Control chip: SSH1106
Display area: 29.42 x 14.7mm
Driving voltage: 3.3-5V
Operating temperature: -40 ℃ to 70 ℃
Interface type: IIC/I2C  interface

Pin definitions:

1> GND (power ground)
2> VCC (positive power supply)
3> SCL (clock line)
4> SDA (data line)

About control chip SSH1106:

SSG1106 compatible with SSD1306 basic, difference is that SSH1106 control chip RAM space is 132*64, while SSD1306 space is 128*64.
The 1.3-inch OLED 128*64 dot matrix, so in the middle of the screen production took 128 row. When using SSD1306 program point SSH1106 screen, only need to change address to 0x02 row to start.

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1.3 Inch 4Pin White OLED LCD Display 12864 IIC I2C Interface Module
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