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Pluggable IP69 ROV Cable 2pin underwater Connector IP69k subsea connector 1meter

SKU: EB-063-0017
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1: The Standard Circular Underwater Connector is a reliable and efficient connector used in underwater applications. It features a circular design that allows for quick and easy connection and disconnection of devices and systems.


2: One of the most critical characteristics of underwater connectors is their ability to withstand constant exposure to water pressure. Underwater connectors must be able to tolerate extreme water pressures while still maintaining reliable electrical connections


3: Another crucial feature of underwater connectors is their resistance to corrosion. The high salinity and harsh chemical environment of the underwater environment can cause significant damage to connectors that are not sufficiently protected.


4: In addition to being pressure-resistant and corrosion-resistant, underwater connectors must also be moisture-sealed. They must be designed with watertight seals to prevent water ingress, which can lead to short circuits and damage to the electrical equipment.

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Pluggable IP69 ROV Cable 2pin underwater Connector IP69k subsea connector 1meter
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