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F5305S Mosfet Module PWM Input Steady 4 Channels 4 Route Pulse Trigger Switch DC Controller

SKU: EB0046575
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FET module, input and output totally isolated from each other.
Signal trigger: digital high/low signal, can be connected to IO of micro-controller, PLC interface, DC power supply, etc.
The output can control high-power devices: motor, light bulb, LED light & strips, DC motor, small pumps, solenoid valve.
Input signal voltage: 3V~20V; Input current: about 5mA.
Output voltage: 5V~36V(Current: within 5A, Max. current is 20A. When current is over 5A, please add heat sink).
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F5305S Mosfet Module PWM Input Steady 4 Channels 4 Route Pulse Trigger Switch DC Controller
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