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Motor Driver 2A L298N 2-motors Module Board

SKU: EB0051534
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Motor Driver L298N for with Logic control system allows to control of 2 DC-motors, to control rotational speed, rotational direction, to stop motors with freewheeling or to block their action. You can control each motor. Also, you may drive the bipolar step motor current up to 4A.
Motor Driver L298N is based on L298P chip with voltage 5-36V and peak current up to 2A on each motor (channel).
The driver has LED indicating rotational direction of each motor.
The speed regulation is realized through PWM default mode, a signal can be applied by PWM outputs 10 and 11 (digital outputs complying PWM).
It has 2 modes of rotational control:
Direct control: Motor 1 - outputs: 8, 9, 10(PWM)/ Motor 2 - outputs: 11(PWM), 12, 13;
Logic control: Motor 1 - outputs: 9, 10(PWM)/ Motor 2 - outputs: 11(PWM), 13.
Use shield switches to change control mode. There is an individual switch for each channel.
The direct regulation provides control of L298N driver and uses 3 outputs for each channel.
Using logic regulation give free digital outputs: 8 and 12.  And used only 4 digital outputs.
Motor control tab:

 Pin#Logics onLogics off
ForwardBackFree stopStop blockForwardBackFree stopStop block
Motor 110-E1110Not available1101
8-In2Not used010/11
Motor 211-E21101101
12-In4Not used100/11
* 0 = LOW, 1 = HIGH.

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Motor Driver 2A L298N 2-motors Module Board
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