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TV+HDMI+VGA+AV+USB+Audio TV LCD Driver Board Controller Board DIY Kit For 15.4 Inch Lp154W01

SKU: 1695897
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This is a great set of easy-reassembling LCD controller kits which is used to turn a bare LCD panel 15.4 inch LP154W01 B154EW08 B154EW01 LP154WX4 1280*800 into a desktop/PC monitor.
It will be a surprise that your bare LCD will be of good use, and no longer be a waste. Or it is very interesting things that make a monitor successfully by ourselves. Giving your LCD a new life with your fantastic idea.
Necessary Accessories for turning an LCD to desktop monitor: LCD Controller board, Inverter, LVDS cable, Keypad, VGA cable, Power Adapter. If you have already had a VGA cable and a power adapter (12V, 4A).
The controller board size: 190mmx43mmx18mm
Model Number: TX440
Compatible: Game Console
Material: Metal

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TV+HDMI+VGA+AV+USB+Audio TV LCD Driver Board Controller Board DIY Kit For 15.4 Inch Lp154W01
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