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2.8 Inch 240*320 LCD Display Module SPI Serial Module TFT Color Screen Driver IC ILI9341

SKU: EB0050270
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Product Features
Size: 2.8 inches
Driver chip: ILI9341
Font chip: GT30L32S4W
Resolution: 240 * 320
Display area: 43.2 x 57.6 (mm)
Physical size: 51 * 81.2 (mm)
Interface type: SPI interface
Number of pins: 8Pin
Display color: full color
Pixel size: 0.18x0.18 (mm)
Working temperature: -20 ~ 70 degrees
Working voltage: 3.3V
Interface description:
PIN No. Symbol Description
1 GND Ground
2 VCC Power supply for LCD (3.3V)
3 CLK This pin is used serial interface clock in 4-wire 8-bit serial data interface.
4 MOSI Serial input signal. The data is applied on the rising edge of the SCL signal.
5 RES LCM Reset pin Signal is active low.
6 DC Data Command Control. This pin is Data Command ccaitrd pin. When the pin is pulled high, the input at D7-D0 is treated as display data. When the pin is pulled low, the input at D7 ~D0 will be transferred to the ccmmand register
7 BLK BLK is a backlight control pin, which can be left unconnected by default; BLK should be connected to low level when the backlight is turned off.
8 MISO Font output / LCD data output (for reading internal screen data)
9 CS1 LCD screen chip selection
10 CS2 Font chip chip selection
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2.8 Inch 240*320 LCD Display Module SPI Serial Module TFT Color Screen Driver IC ILI9341
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